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Yes! We Have No Bananas

It’s around this time of year that my wife and I spend a week or two in Morocco. Usually returning with a photographic contribution for the website. However, the Covid pandemic has kaiboshed this years winter sun, therefore, the best I can do is to submit a pic from last year. Accompanied by a suitable tagline, which is  ~  I WONDER WHAT HE’S SELLING?

Help for Steve at last

W Y Brass 2nd Baritone player Steve Galpin finally starts treatment for his bladder cancer on Friday 15th January 2021.

We are fully aware the treatment may not be the most pleasant experience, Steve, but all at West Yorkshire Brass hope your personal light at the end of your personal tunnel gets bigger and brighter from here on. We all have our fingers crossed. (and just maybe the odd toe as well.)


Steve said he is sore and the procedure took three hours. However, it is sugested that his future Friday visits will now be shorter. STICK WITH IT, STEVE!!!

Another Huge Loss to West Yorkshire Brass

It is with a heavy heart that West Yorkshire Brass has to announce the retirement of Stuart Wilson from the band due to health issues.

Stuart has played trombone continuously for 68 years, since 1952, with military bands, brass bands, dance bands and assorted brass groups throughout this time.

He has twice played in the Championship Section Finals in London and is rightly very proud of having spent many years playing with the legendary Crossley’s Carpet Works Band until its demise in 1969.

It is hoped that Stuart and his wife Madeline will continue their association with West Yorkshire Brass by adding to audiences at concerts (once we are rid of the dreaded Covid 19 virus).

Just because Stuart has left the band it doesn’t mean he and his wife have left the West Yorkshire Brass family. We wish them both well for the future and expect to see them soon, virus permitting.

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