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Another Recruit for West Yorkshire Brass

Even though we haven’t been together since March 2020, recruiting hasn’t stopped.                W.Y. Brass welcomes Rosalind Rowe to its ranks. Rosalind will occupy the Solo Horn seat, completing an ‘all girl’ tenor horn line-up.

Welcome Rosalind. We hope to see you soon, and thanks for joining.

“Fair fa’ your honest, sonsie face . . . . .

. . . . . great chieftain o’ the puddin’ race”

Burns Night 25th January ~ I’ve had my haggis ~ Have you had yours?

A survey of American tourists in Scotland found that 33% of US visitors think that haggis is an animal and that 23% thought that they could catch one:

The company said it had interviewed one tourist who thought the haggis was “a wild beast of the Highlands, no bigger than a grouse, which only came out at night”. Another claimed it sometimes ventured into cities, like a fox.

Yes! We Have No Bananas

It’s around this time of year that my wife and I spend a week or two in Morocco. Usually returning with a photographic contribution for the website. However, the Covid pandemic has kaiboshed this years winter sun, therefore, the best I can do is to submit a pic from last year. Accompanied by a suitable tagline, which is  ~  I WONDER WHAT HE’S SELLING?

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