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When Rosalind Rowe joined the West Yorkshire Brass Tenor Horn section to sit alongside another new member, Mary Binns, little did we know she would come with a trombone playing husband. What good timing! Not long after ill health caused Second Trombonist Stuart Wilson to retire from playing, Max Rowe came along to fill the position. We hope Ros, Max and Mary will enjoy playing with West Yorkshire Brass for many years to come.

Whilst mentioning new players, it’s also appropriate to thank Richard Brier for coming along to join the West Yorkshire Brass cornet front row. Welcome Richard.

A big West Yorkshire Brass welcome to all our new members.



When the bands percussionist recently acquired a photograph of West Yorkshire Brass, believed to have been taken around 20 years ago, he set about attempting to name all of the then members. Whilst able to name a good number of them himself, he nevertheless had to rely heavily on the memories of four others.

I’ll leave you to find those members in the photo who are still with the band!!!

Click on the photo to enlarge the image.

Back Row, Left to Right: Les Tobitt, Frank Steeples, Chic Sutton, Paul Brooke, Peter Gaunt, Alan Bailey, Graham Lumley, Brian Freeke, Paul Harper, Stephen Biggs.

Middle Row, Left to Right: Melvyn Walker, Keith Rose, Charles Spencer, Geoff Lodge, Betty Emberton, Bill Howard, Frank Stokes, Vince Wright, Jackie Bailey.

Front Row, Left to Right: Martin Wilson, Norman Shaw, Gwen Wood, Peter Hellawell, Trevor Simpson, Malcolm Wood, Peter Wilson.

Here we are again, happy as can be . . . . .

. . . . . All good pals and jolly good company.

At last members of West Yorkshire Brass are back rehearsing together again after 15 months. Well almost back together again. MD Peter Hellawells wife Judith has a fractured left wrist. Solo Trombone George Mitchell has a fractured right wrist. My wife Pat has a fractured left wrist. 1st. Horn Mary Binns is self-isolating prior to eye surgery, 2nd. Baritone Steve Galpin is awaiting heart surgery and front row Wilf McDonald is back on two crutches, What a motley crew.

But a socially distanced motley crew!!!



Those who visit our website on a frequent basis will know that two years ago members of West Yorkshire Brass enjoyed celebrating the 90th birthday of our President, Duncan Brown.

We could not be more proud than to announce his 92nd birthday is today, 28th April.


From all connected with West Yorkshire Brass.


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