West Yorkshire Brass does WET WET WET !!!
Gomersal Festival on August Bank Holiday Sunday 2018 should perhaps have been advertised as GOMERSAL WETSTIVAL.
In fairness the arrangers did their best to place the band undercover for their 45 minute performance to open the festival (WATCHED BY ONE INTREPID MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC)
However, those band members who accepted the kind invitation of Pete Rhodes and Linda Atkinson to take ‘post gig’ refreshments at their home, had a thoroughly good time and were catered for in a ‘right royal’ fashion ….. hic!
Those who stayed to the end had the priviledge of seeing the Musical Director drying up after the event. What a shame the same could not be said of the weather ….. hic! ….. hic! ….. Sorry!!
West Yorkshire Brass Says “THANKS” To Frank
It is with the utmost regret that the band has to announce the resignation of Frank Steeples due to health reasons. All members of West Yorkshire Brass wish to thank Frank for the many years of faithful service he has given from his seat in the horn section.